Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Network
Learning Route
SUN Civil Society Learning Exchange in Nepal
17-20 July 2017, Kathmandu
Leveraging Civil Society Alliances expertise to potentiate the Scaling up Nutrition at
regional, national, sub-national and community level
Regional efforts coordination
Call to Action
"As a group we have developed a regional call to action to highlight the action needed by decision makers to help us reach our goal of ending malnutrition. Together we are calling for:
•Effective planning
Promote the effective functioning of multi-stakeholder platforms as the forum for national nutrition planning, ensuring that there is a clear role for civil society and planning takes a decentralised approach.
•Prioritise and invest in nutrition
Prioritise nutrition and make SMART commitments to fully fund national nutrition plans
•Monitoring and enforcement
Ensure that legislation such as the right to food is in place to support the implementation of national nutrition plans
Moreover ensure that legislation is being enforced and other stakeholders, such as the private sector are held accountable to legislation. Specifically ensuring the monitoring and enforcement of the BMS marketing code.
Blogs and Articles
"The SUN Civil Society Asia Regional Group unites - all for one, one for all!" (Author: May Thukha Soe, Co Chair of SUN CSA Myanmar)
"Solidarity against Breast Milk Substitutes" (Author: Chai Tze Lin, Cambodia SUNCSA)
"Asian SUN Civil Society joins forces for an International Learning Exchange" (Author: CSANN)
"Tackling malnutrition in South Asia: regional efforts scale up through "Learning Exchange" (Authors: Sylvia Szabo & Devendra Raj Singh)
"Asia Learning Exchange: the role of citizen engagement in improving nutrition" (Author: Gulmira Kozhobergenova, SUN CSA Kyrgyzstan)
Leveraging "in-house expertise"
Learning sessions developed by SUN Civil Society Alliances:
PhilCAN- Philippines

Decentralization, establishment of district chapters: Participants will have the opportunity to learn CSANN approach in establishing district committees (district Chapters) and successes achieved so far and related challenges. During the 3 years of operations CSANN established 5 district chapters.
Participants will recognize key steps to initiate and sustain Civil Society coordination at subnational level. Participants will learn successful techniques to enhance Civil Society and Multi Stakeholder Platform coordination and implementation at sub-national level trough policy monitoring and evaluation and media mobilization.
The session will offer learning opportunities on the following areas: Multi-stakeholder platform engagement; Governance; Policy Review; Media mobilization

Breast Milk Substitute violations: Cambodia, Myanmar and Phillipines Civil Society Alliances, will be leading the BMS learning session. The session will focus on how to monitor, report and follow-up against BMS violations. Both Cambodia and Myanmar CSAs have been active in developing tools to monitor and follow up BMS violation. The evidence gathered is used for social awareness and advocacy to influence policy makers in monitoring and sanction private sector marketing strategy.
By the end of the session, participants will be able to identify priorities for the monitoring of BMS code violations in Asia; construct action plans and identify next steps on monitoring of BMS code violations in countries and regionally; understand and apply the CODEX.
The session will offer learning opportunities on the following areas: private sector engagement, evidence based advocacy, social mobilization, policy review.

Citizens’ engagement and public hearings: The learning session will look at successful approach citizens’ mobilisation and to raise their voices to influence decision makers at all levels from the community to national or international level.
Participants will learn about the techniques to raise voice of voiceless and to make duty bearers more accountable.
The session will offer learning opportunities on the following areas: Community Social mobilization; community-subnational-national-international level Advocacy, Accountability

Budget Analysis: the learning module will be co-organized by CSANN and CSA-PAK, both involved in budget analysis and advocacy. In addition of learning from Nepal and Pakistan exercises, the participants will learn on effective BA advocacy methodologies. The session will offer opportunities to review challenges and opportunities in conducting the exercise, required resources and mechanisms for a successful BA advocacy.
Civil Society and Nepal national officials will learn how to plan effective evidence based budget advocacy to increase the budget for nutrition.
The session will offer learning opportunities on the following areas: evidence based advocacy, accountability.