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SUN Creativity and Collaboration Award

The ‘Creativity and Collaboration Award’ is small grant available to SUN Civil Society Alliances in sub-Saharan Africa to facilitate learning between alliances in the region.


Recognising and valuing the expertise already available within the SUN Civil Society Network, the ‘Creativity and Collaboration Award’ will enable SUN Civil Society Alliances (CSAs) to share their expertise with others. The learning areas are aligned with the Learning Route expected outcomes and overall objectives.

Congratulations to the Civil Societies awarded!
We received 12 joint proposals jointly developed by 16 CSAs. Following a competitive process the following 3 proposals have been awarded:
Zimbabwe – Malawi: Engaging child parliamentarians in civil society call for Nutrition Investment at sub national level in Zimbabwe



Rural Enterprise Trust of Zimbabwe a member of ZCSOSUNA in Collaboration with Sustainable Rural Community Development Organisation a member of CSONA Malawi will engage child parliamentarians in strengthening budget advocacy in order to achieve changes in relation to nutrition budgeting and planning in the 2018 Mashonaland central province local government budget (Zimbabwe) and in Nsanje and Chikwawa Districts (Malawi).


Read the Article

Results: debriefing meeting PPT

Kenya- Malawi: Improved resourcing of nutritional targets


  • Enhancing the capacity of CSOs to spearhead evidence based budget advocacy for nutrition initiatives.

  • Budget analysis done and used for advocacy with county governments

  • CSOs have the capacity to lead and advocate for budget allocation


This proposal includes the folowing CSAs: CSONA (Malawi), Kenya SUN CSA,  PANITA (Tanzania), SUN ALLIANCE RWANDA,  ZCSOSUNA (Zimbabwe).


Download the Budget Advocacy brochure

Results: debriefing meeting PPT

Nigeria - Sierra Leone: Developing and pilot testing a Guide to Stakeholder Mapping in West Africa 


Development of a guide for Stakeholder mapping in West Africa to strengthen West Africa Civil Society Alliances in nutrition coordination and collaboration.



This proposal includes the folowing CSAs: SUNI CSP-Sl (Sierra Leone); CSANN (Nigeria); CSAL (Liberia)


Read the Article

Results: debriefing meeting PPT

Important information


Objectives: To strengthen mutual collaboration among SUN Civil society alliances (CSAs) and strengthen CSAs capacity in specific learning areas.


Award: 3 awards for 10,000 USD each to be used in a period of 2 months maximum (end of June-mid-August)


Who can apply? All SUN CSAs in Sub-saharan Africa, including CSO members on behalf of the CSA. The proposals must involve representatives from at least 2 CSAs. (For more info see "Partnership Criteria").


Applicants must be willing to work collaboratively with other alliances in the region to: 

  • Receive Capacity building/technical expertise – submit a request for capacity building in a specific thematic area;

  • Offer Capacity building/technical expertise - respond to a capacity request and develop a joint proposal to provide training in a specific thematic area.

  • Collaborate on a joint communication project - identify a joint initiative or product to be created and/or implemented.


​Thematic focus:

a.       Nutrition stakeholder action mapping for improved Multi Stakeholder Platform collaboration

b.      Budget tracking and analysis and advocacy

c.       Social Mobilisation, Advocacy, Communication (SMAC)

d.      Effective CSA governance


Priority will be given to applications which focus on one of these areas at a sub-national or community level.


Application Process:

Here few example to stimulate your creativity!

The application must:

  • Involve at least 2 (or more) CSAs, of which at least one was involved in the Learning Route Programme in Rwanda[1].


  • Involve at least 1 CSA and 1 Learning Route Local Champion involved in the Learning Route Programme in Rwanda[2]



1. Funding recipient:

  • Capacity Building proposals: the recipient of the capacity building service will receive the funds to pay the technical provider/CSA and organise capacity building activities.

  • Joint Collaboration proposals: CSAs will have to select 1 leading organisation who will be the recipient of the fund.

  • The 10,000 USD award will be given in the form of a sub-grant to one legally recognized organisation and not to individuals. The proposal will have to demonstrate how funds will be allocated among the CSAs involved and/or their member organisations[3].

2. There is no limit to the number of proposals that can be submitted by each CSO and CSA


What can the grant cover?

Any cost in accordance with Save the Children UK terms and conditions as long as it is listed in the submitted and approved budget. This may include a consultancy fee for the CSA/member organisation, travel, logistics for events, publications and any other direct cost necessarily incurred during the project.



Initial shortlist scoring of the proposal will be done by the CSA hosting the grant recipient. A final shortlist will be facilitated by the SUN CSN who will review proposals.



  • Publish the Call: 10 May

  • Expressions of interest applications – during the same period CSAs that have expertise identified will proactively respond to the requests published seeking collaboration opportunities: 10-23 May as applications arrive

  • Proposal development and support Webinar: 26 May

  • Deadline for submission of final proposals: 2nd June 2017

  • Selection of 3 awards winners: 5th June 2017 (National CSA) – 12th June (Global CSN)

  • Grant signature and funds transfer: 25th June

  • Delivery of project July-August

End of operation and reporting: 15th of August.


Supporting Documents:


[1] See the list here. Countries: Ethiopia; Kenya; Malawi; Rwanda; Sierra Leone; Nigeria; Tanzania; Uganda; Zimbabwe

[2] LR champions

[3] Fair resources allocation is one of the selection criteria (see selection criteria below)

Examples of proposals to stimulate CSO/CSAs creativity

Examples proposals

Budget tracking and analysis and advocacy


For example: (capacity building) Budget Analysis mentoring among CSA: an experienced CSA member trains staff at national and/or subnational level on tools and strategy for effective Budget Analysis evidence collection and advocacy. The result of the capacity building could be a district level budget analysed or traced to national budget lines. A policy brief disseminated and advocacy activities could be planned and rolled out.

(joint initiative) Countries that conducted budget analysis could gather evidence and develop a joint policy brief and advocacy plan at sub-national level, where districticts are “twinned” with each other.

Nutrition stakeholder action mapping for improved Multi Stakeholder Platform collaboration


For example: (joint collaboration) Two or more than two districts map nutrition stakeholders interventions and power dynamics developing an user friendly opensource (e.g. google map) tool that can be utilized by many other stakeholders. A dissemination and coordination meeting could follow the mapping.

(capacity building) Mapping champions from the Rwanda LR are invited to train staff at subnational level to conduct/develop stakeholders mapping.

Effective CSA governance


For example: (Capacity development) CSAs could be trained by expert CSAs on decentralization of coordinated interventions (CSA committee), with a focus on development of shared evaluation of the actions and feedback loops (as in Gisagara district in Rwanda). A result of the training could be development of a district coordination plan, strategy, tools.

(joint initiative): CSAs could document experience and responses related to good governance processes or conflict resolution between members with guidance on what to do in each situation. This could involve sharing tools and documents the CSA has used. The aim might be to look at potential challeges for CSA governance and come up with successful strategies to address these.

Advocacy, Communication and Social Mobilisation


For Example: (joint initiative): CSAs could organise cross-countries media award; CSAs will record audio/video compilation of Singers for nutrition; CSAs could organise a breastfeeding week campaign/event.

(Capacity building): CSAs with experience on the right to food and monitoring of compliance could train CSAs at subnational level on effective intervention, tools available and risks/opportunities. A result of the capacity building could be mentoring, initiation of a network of CSOs involved in monitoring the right to food and nutrition.

Criteria to select final joint proposal: 

  • Alignment to the 4 thematic areas identified

  • Fulfil partnership criteria, we will prioritize the proposal with wider number of countries

  • CSA responded to the SUN CSN Annual Survey

  • Number of CSOs involved/beneficiaries

  • Interventions/’Learning areas’ focus on subnational level implementation

  • Clarity of the need (expression of interest) and it added value

  • Clarity of the service offered by the responding CSA, with clear record of expertise

  • Budget allocation that shows benefits for both parties (service receiver/service provider e.g. 50/50 or 60/40 )

  • Clear deliverables and outcomes

  • Relevance and sustainability of the intervention, contributing to long term plan for the alliances involved

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