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  • A ‘learning route’ is a proven process for accelerating knowledge sharing and peer-to-peer learning. At the heart of the learning route is a facilitated visit to a host country by representatives of different countries.

  • The first civil society focused Learning Route too place in Rwanda in November 2016 and involved 9 countries.

  • We aim to involve 21-24 visiting participants from at least 7 CSAs.

  • Before the learning route visits, the learning and experience of the host country is identified, analysed and captured as a set of Best Practice examples.

  • Key people in the host country (we call them ‘Champions’) lead the learning routes and act as the trainers.

  • Follow up activities and on-going support after the LR visits ensure the participants build on their learning, develop action plans and implement them.

  • The learning route experiences will be captured shared with all CSAs in SUN CSN.


Read about the LR Methodology

Anchor Macro areas of Learning
Anchor Learning Objectives
Program objective

To contribute to stronger, more aligned civil society alliances with the capacity to actively contribute to national efforts while responding to needs on the ground. CSAs are able to effectively contribute to multi-stakeholder platforms and CSAs will promote cascade capacity strengthening of their alliance members (from villages and communities to municipalities to districts / regions / provinces / counties to national level actors).


Specific objectives

•To enhance CSAs Social Mobilisation, Advocacy and Communications skills to become stronger nutrition advocates and support the delivery of national nutrition priorities

•CSAs use budget tracking and advocacy skills to hold governments accountable for delivering on nutrition commitments.

•Learn from the CSAs and share learning with the SUN community of practice.

•Increase national government understanding and prioritisation of nutrition


Program learning objectives


I. To identify and examine innovative and successful initiatives promoted by Civil Society Alliance members to scale up nutrition at community, provincial and national level and understand the process and the factors that brought the success and analyse the potential for scaling up/out.


II. To recognize modalities through which civil society enhance national and local policies and strategies to effectively address nutrition problems with a special focus to vulnerable and disadvantaged population.


III. Recognize efficient mechanisms to make policy makers (at community, provincial, national and international level) accountable in addressing nutrition to civil society


IV. Identify effective social mobilization and communication strategies to raise awareness on nutrition-sensitive issues and to promote behavioural changes.



Macro areas of Learning

Identified by the same CSA via surveys and during annual gathering workshop


•       Policy review, policy tracking, communications, participatory/democratic processes;

•       Engagement and stimulation of multi stakeholder platforms

•       Budget tracking, advocacy, communication, data collection and sharing for monitoring and accountability

•       Advocacy, social mobilization, campaign development, communication for accountability and awareness

•       Good governance, accountability and participatory processes


To narrow down within those learning areas, idenitify key learning priorities bases on the present and future CSAs strategies and expertise willing the CSAs nominated for the first LR filled survey (downlod the pwp from here).

​Expected outcomes:


Intermediate outcomes

  • CSAs have good institutional governance in place and are implementing guidance including ensuring ToR, steering group and strategies are in place

  • National CS Alliances have social mobilisation, advocacy and communications plans supported by monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) frameworks and are advocating according to those plans

  • National-level CS Alliances are collaborating effectively with each other and other stakeholders for the delivery of national nutrition priorities

  •  CS Alliances adapt their advocacy plans to include budget and policy tracking advocacy

  • CS Alliances implement nutrition stakeholders mapping and share results to inform nutrition planning at sub-national or national level and to strengthen MSP coordination.



  • Actors hold the Government accountable for delivering on nutrition commitments

  • Nutrition policies, plans and strategies for improved delivery and accountability on nutrition commitments are operationalized

  • Coordination is enhanced between nutrition actors 

  • CSOs are stronger nutrition advocates and advocate for nutrition 

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