Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Network
Learning Route
SUN Civil Society Alliances' Innovation Plans
ETHIOPIA ”Nutrition visibility and awareness through the media”
Theme Communication and social mobilisation for behavioural change
KENYA “Mainstreaming nutrition as a multi-sectorial agenda in Mombasa County”
Theme Multi-stakeholder platform coordination and governance
Theme Multi stakeholder platform coordination and governance at sub-national level
NIGERIA “Improving nutrition through policy implementation at all levels”
Theme Policy and advocacy at sub-national level
RWANDA “Enhancing faith based organizations to promote nutrition behaviour change ”
Theme Communication and social mobilisation for behavioural change
SIERRA LEONE “Eat what you grow”
Theme Nutrition and value chain, communication and social mobilisation for behavioural change
Theme Governance and decentralisation
UGANDA “Nutrition budget line advocacy”
Theme Policy and advocacy at sub-national level
TANZANIA “Accountable district nutrition steering committees to scale up nutrition”
Theme Accountability, policy and decentralisation
Evaluation Criteria:
- INNOVATION - Innovative in relation to the context in which is introduced
- SUSTAINABILITY - the change has high potentiality to be sutained in the time
- POTENTIALITY FOR SCALING UP - lessons learned and the know developed can be used in other contexts
The Innovation Plan Award
3 Innovation plans have been awarded with a prize of 5,000 USD.
The awards have been communicated by Gerda Verburg, Coordinator of the SUN Movement, during the post-Learning Route webinar "Fostering learning and Scaling up Innovation in Nutrition" on the 31st of January 2017.
The congratulations go to:
PANITA (Tanzania): “Accountable district nutrition steering committees to scale up nutrition”
ECSC-SUN (Ethiopia): ”Nutrition visibility and awareness through the media”
What is an innovation plan:
The design of the Innovation Plan intends to support participants in capitalising on the knowledge acquired during the Learning Route in Rwanda, transforming this knowledge into practical actions to strengthen SUN Civil Societies Alliances’ coordinated activities to address malnutrition.
While an initial draft of the innovation plan was developed during the Learning Route. Upon return, each country delegation organized cascade learning sessions to share key learning and revise, refine and validate the innovation plan before the final submission.
Each innovation plan has been developed responding the following criteria:
>> build on the CSA's existing work
>> build on new ideas gained from the LR exchange
>> be practical to implement within 6 months
>> be sustainable both economically and practically
>> have potential to scale up or be replicated
Each innovation plan took inspiration from 1 or more than one case study of the Learning Route.
Find more about the Rwanda Learning Route case studies.

Peer to Peer Review and Evaluation process for the award:
Each delegation received 2 innovation plans to be evaluated by the LR team delegation using a standard form.
The evaluations have been submitted by the 16th December 2016
The evaluation have been anonymous.
Each CSA received the scoring and comments/review from the peers.
The results of the evaluation (the awards) has been announced by Gerda Verburg during the post LR webinar (31st of January). During the webinar each delegation will be asked to present (briefly) the innovation plan to the SUN Movement and broader audience.
Evaluation Criteria and template
Each innovation plan has been evaluated by:
2 Civil Society alliances (by the delegation participated to the Learning Route)
2 members of the SUN CSN team
1 evaluation from SUN Civil Society external stakeholder who participated to the LR (PROCASUR and/or SUN SMS).
The total score have been the sum of the individual evaluations of the actors mentioned above.