Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Network
Learning Route
Accountable district nutrition steering committees to scale up nutrition in Tanzania

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Results: "Performance contracts piloted in Tanzania" - Read the article
Justification: In Tanzania, few councils have District Nutrition Steering Committees (DNSCs) operating; within council areas, Ward Development Committees (WDCs) are not appropriately trained, and local and external resources supporting nutrition interventions are very limited. Functioning and accountable DNSCs are a priority in the fight against malnutrition as they will build district-level capacity and coordinate nutrition activities.
Expected outcomes: Kalambo district (Rukwa region) will develop functioning and accountable district nutrition steering committees (DNSC), while wards committees (WDCs) and village councils (VCs) will be supported to integrate the district’s agreed nutrition agenda into their activities.
Innovation and intervention: PANITA identified the ‘performance contract’ used in Rwanda as an innovation they could replicate. When introduced at village, ward and district level, these contracts will increase the accountability and effectiveness of the agreed nutrition-related plans. In order to achieve this major change, PANITA will build capacity in the district multi-stakeholder coordination mechanisms. If this programme succeeds, PANITA expect the following outputs: thirty eight (38) Performance Contracts/Terms of reference (TOR) executed at village level; one District NSC and 23 Ward Development Committees (WDCs) in South Western Highlands Zone of Tanzania; One District nutrition strategic plan with result framework in-line with National Multi-sectoral Nutrition Action Plan (NMNAP) developed. A participative and evidence-led approach is an essential element of this innovation plan and it will be carefully documented. The results and the lessons learned will constitute the basis for scaling up and replicating in other districts.
Key Achievements:
1. The Vice President of united Republic of Tanzania Her Excellency Samia Suluhu during the National Summit on Food Fortification ordered to sign Performance Contract with All Regional Commissioners on the fund allocated for nutrition intervention as well as all agreed nutrition activities. The President’s Office Regional Administrative and Local government are finalizing the contracts, expected to be signed before the end of September 2017.
2. As per today (14 September 2017) nutrition I included as permanent agenda at VC, WDC, DC, RCC (Kalambo): each meeting will discuss the nutrition agenda in addition to others agendas.
3. Commitments with concrete actions to scale up nutrition have been signed by community, CSOs and Governing bodies and are currently implemented. Among the commitments: preparation of vegetable gardens, organization a football tournament for nutrition, harvesting nutritious sweet potatoes, developing workplan and strategic plan for nutrition, engaging media … (more info commitment document)
Policy review;
Overall budget: 17,245 USD
5,000 USD (innovation plan)
12,245 USD (PANITA)
Duration: 3 months