Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Network
Learning Route
Justification: Despite the Food and Nutrition Security Policy backing for multi-sectoral collaboration, there is only sporadic and unsustained interaction between key nutrition-related actors in Mombasa county. The stunting rate in Mombasa county is 21%; therefore there is an urgent need to link nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions and to address all forms of malnutrition by strengthening multi-sectoral coordination.
Expected outcomes: 1) Development and adoption of a common results framework for nutrition by all nutrition actors in the Mombasa county; 2) Increase of nutrition intervention efficiency and effectiveness (cost-effective, with no duplication, and with targeting of vulnerable groups).
Innovation and intervention: Currently, in Mombasa county, there is only sporadic interaction between key sectors including actors in health, agriculture and education. The Kenya SUN CSA aim is to facilitate the establishment of institutionalised multi-stakeholder collaboration and launch the Mombasa county multi-sectoral platform by the end of planned programme in the IP. To foster a functional Platform, the SUN Alliance will mobilise actors involved in nutrition and will: map all key nutrition stakeholders of the Mombasa county (Nutrition Action Stakeholders Mapping); develop the Terms of Reference for the multi-sectoral platform (with details of key roles and responsibilities of the different actors); develop a common results framework and implementation plan. While working at sub-national level, the SUN Alliance will actively engage with the national Nutrition MSP who will support the initiative within the agreed national framework. A multi-sectoral coordination forum will inform the scaling up of good practices and ensure complementarity and reduced duplication. If successfully implemented, the Mombasa county multi-sectoral coordination forum will act as a learning centre for other counties, and facilitate replication and scaling up.
Mainstreaming nutrition as a multi-sectoral agenda in Mombasa county.
Overall budget: 11,500 USD
(innovation plan 5,000 USD)
Nutrition stakeholders Mapping;
Multi-stakeholder platform coordination;
Governance at subnational level
Follow the CSA:
"Stakeholders mapping for enhanced MSP collaboration and effective intervention at sub-national level"