Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Network
Learning Route
Justification: In Malawi, nutrition stakeholders and interventions have been identified at the national level, while at district level this information is still fragmented. In this context, the stakeholder mapping would help districts to identify the key actors and interventions operating at the local level, their coverage (geographical and of beneficiaries) and help them to effectively allocate resources and support existing efforts to reduce malnutrition.
Expected outcomes: Greater effectiveness and efficiency of nutrition interventions thanks to improved multi-stakeholder coordination and planning in the mapped districts. Availability of a comprehensive database of all nutrition stakeholders in Nsanje and Zomba districts is produced by June 2017
Innovation and intervention: Nutrition stakeholder mapping at district level in Malawi does not provide segregated data on where different stakeholders are operating, the type of operations, the duration of their projects, or the level of resources being channeled to nutrition. The new initiative proposed in the IP will assist districts to map the missing information. Conducting stakeholder mapping in such detailed way will inform programming and improve coordination of nutrition interventions at the district level. CSONA plans carry out the data collection and dissemination and lead dialogue using the multi-stakeholder platform to improve the coordination and planning.
District stakeholder mapping
Overall budget: 5,000 USD
(innovation plan 5,000 USD)
Multi-stakeholder platform coordination and governance
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"Stakeholders mapping for enhanced MSP collaboration and effective intervention at sub-national level"