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Acronyms and Jargons!


CIFF - Children Investment Fund Foundation

CSA - Civil Society Alliance

CSN - Civil Society Network

ENN - Emergency Nutrition Network

LR - Learning Route

SUN - Scaling up Nutrition


Frequently asked questions

What are we ging to learn?

I. To identify and examine innovative and successful initiatives promoted by Civil Society Alliance members to scale up nutrition at community, provincial and national level and understand the process and the factors that brought the success and analyse the potential for scaling up/out.

II. To recognize modalities through which civil society enhance national and local policies and strategies to effectively address nutrition problems with a special focus to vulnerable and disadvantaged population.

III. Recognize efficient mechanisms to make policy makers (at community, provincial, national and international level) accountable in addressing nutrition to civil society

IV. Identify effective social mobilization and communication strategies to raise awareness on nutrition-sensitive issues and to promote behavioural changes.

More info at the program page and in the project details doc



Procasur is a global catalyst for change, dedicated to harvesting innovations and spreading opportunities. We are a nonprofit organization with offices in Latin America, Africa and Asia; and have facilitated knowledge management for development opportunities, through processes such us our signature Learning Routes, in over 20 countries.

More info here


How can I join?

Visit the page "opportunities". First your CSA should apply, manifesting the alliance interest filling a survey. Once the CSA applied (see which CSAs applied so far), you can apply to the learning route filling the application when the call for application will be open. (Africa - June/July); Asia (December 2016/January2017). See the calendar and follow the facebook group for the newest updatings and the "opportunity" page.


When? What?

Visit the calendar page


Budget and workplan

Workplan and budget and expenditures can be cared upon request. Do get in contact with the project coordinator to ask the documents if needed.



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