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Meet the CSAs who participated to the Learning Route in Rwanda

The Learning Route in Rwanda hosted 32 international guests, 27 representatives from 27 different SUN Civil Society Organizations from 9 different African Countries. 


The group had an equal balance between CSOs working at sub-national or national level and equal gender diversity (50/50).



Ethiopia: Ethiopia Civil Society Coalition for Scaling up Nutrition (ECSC-SUN)

National efforts to scale up nutrition and Civil Society strategy and profile (synthetic presentation)


Kenya: SUN Civil Society Alliance Kenya

National efforts to scale up nutrition and Civil Society strategy and profile (synthetic presentation)


Malawi: Civil Society Organisation Nutrition Alliance-CSONA

National efforts to scale up nutrition and Civil Society strategy and profile (synthetic presentation)


Nigeria: Civil Society SUN Nigeria (CS SUNN) 

National efforts to scale up nutrition and Civil Society strategy and profile (synthetic presentation)


Rwanda: SUN Alliance

National efforts to scale up nutrition and Civil Society strategy and profile (synthetic presentation )


Sierra Leone: Scaling Up Nutrition and Immunization Civil Society Platform Sierra Leone (SUNI CSP SL)

National efforts to scale up nutrition and Civil Society strategy and profile (synthetic presentation)





Tanzania Partnership for Nutrition in Tanzania (PANITA)

National efforts to scale up nutrition and Civil Society strategy and profile (synthetic presentation)


Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe Civil Society Organization SUN Alliance (ZCSOSUNA)

National efforts to scale up nutrition and Civil Society strategy and profile (synthetic presentation)

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