Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Network
Learning Route
Learning Route achievements & outcomes
Here you will find out how the Learning Route programme is step by step building the path to achievement of the programme overall objectives.
Some key Learning are: MSP coordination ant national and sub-national level, nutrition sensitive value chain approach, pro Poor Private Public partnership engagement, stakeholders mapping, performance contracts.. find more here
Participants evaluation (qualitative feedback ; quantitative feedback)
27 international participants coming from 27 different CSOs, 9 countries (see participants list).
9 innovation plans validated and submitted by the SUN CSA. The innovation plans transformed the learning into practical actions. Core focus: MSP coordination and mapping, governance, accountability, Behavioral change communication, social mobilization.
Strenghten internal governance, cohesion and learning mechanisms (read stories of change and listen to the interview)
Increased visibility, dialogue and involvement with UN, Governamental institutions, Private Sector
Social mobilization and sensitization on the importance on knowledge sharing (more than 200 people mobilized during the preparatory phase)
Use best practices in multiple occasions to advocate
Strengthen local champions who can now train national and international audience
International visibility
See more from the Most Significant Change evaluation
Regional whatsapp group with daily exchange of updates among alliances
Regional group calls initiated, TORs and key actions being delineated
Follow up activities will focus on Conflict of Interest, Stakeholder Mapping, best practices sharing, engagement with private sector