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January 2015




A PEER TO PEER Learning Programme to..  contribute to stronger, more aligned civil society alliances with the capacity to actively contribute to national efforts while responding to needs on the ground.
Evidence based advocacy, social mobilization, policy review, multi stakeholder platforms, behaviour Change communication, accountability, good governance For Scaling Up Nutrition 
Key Achievements

We accelerated replication of best practices and mutual collaboration across countries at national and sub-national level. We influenced national and global plans, our voice and examples have been listened throughout the Globe.

>300    stakeholders in two host countries engaged in the visits during preparatory work, during the visits and in cascading learning afterwards.

>300      media reports published on the exchanges in the host countries and internationally

20       countries participating

130       civil society representatives from communities, CSOs and INGOs involved in face to face learning activities

11       days of face to face peer-to-peer learning

9         best practice documented and studied.

9         Innovation plans developed for applying learning

2         regional hubs established and functioning

3         multi-country joint initiatives for knowledge transfer and/or collaboration

9          areas of learning covered

8          type of stakeholders involved: rural community including farmers, mothers groups, youths and cooperative representatives, small-medium-large private sector, civil society (local, national, international), government (central and sub-national level), UN agencies and donors, media houses, research institutions.

1         virtual community of practice active with more than 200 participants

> 30 National and international articles and documentaries produced.

In Africa: CSAs peer to peer training and joint implementation

Stakeolders Mapping, Regional Budget Analysis and Advocacy and Youth Parliamentarian engagement

Our learning & innovations.  Fostering a strong community...

Regional SUN Civil Society coordination and collaboration in South-East Africa & Asia

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