Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Network
Learning Route
Leveraging Learning among Scale Up Nutrition Civil Society Alliances.
The Learning Route in Rwanda
Building regional efforts to promote learning across countries on how to address malnutrition
The Learning Route in Rwanda is the result of the active collaboration among SUN Civil Society Network, SUN Alliance (Rwanda) and its member organizations and PROCASUR Corporation.
The Learning Route was implemented in Rwanda, in the localities of Kigali, Nyanza, Huye and Gisagara. It started on the 30th of October in Kigali and ended on the 5th of November 2016.
The following SUN Civil Society delegations participated to the Learning Route: Ethiopia; Kenya; Malawi; Rwanda; Sierra Leone; Nigeria; Tanzania; Uganda; Zimbabwe.
Each country delegation sent 3 representatives from the Civil Society working at national or subnational level.

Insights about the Learning Route:
Article: "Learning Route Rwanda 2016 – SUN CSN Call to Action"
Article: "The CSN Learning Route in Rwanda opens with an Experience Fair"
Article: "The Learning Route Rwanda 2016: Learning across borders for better nutrition outcomes"
Short documentary (13 mins)
Interviews with SUN CSA before the learning route:
SUN Civil Society Network Learning Route - SUN Movement Secretariat Video Message
The latest from the Ethiopia CSA: listen to Kenaw Gabreselassie's updates (Audio and abstracts)
A chat with Nicholas Shiateya and George Odhiambo Ogolla - Kenya CSA
Civil Society Organisation Nutrition Alliance-CSONA​ -Malawi: an interview with Bessie Ndovi (Audio and abstracts)

The Learning Route in Rwanda: learning objectives
The Learning Route will offer the opportunity to learn from Rwanda’s experience and:
1. To identify and examine innovative and successful initiatives promoted by SUN Alliances’ members to scale up nutrition at community, provincial and national level and understand the process and the factors that brought the success and analyse the potential for scaling up/out.
2. To recognize modalities through which Civil Society enhance national and local policies and strategies to effectively address nutrition problems with a special focus to vulnerable and disadvantaged population.
3. Identify effective social mobilization and communication strategies to raise awareness on nutrition-sensitive issues and to promote behavioral changes.
4. To identify the catalytic role played by the Civil Society in fostering sustainable pro-poor Public Private Partnership engaging in multi-stakeholders decision making platforms and its key role in ensuring visibility and benefits to vulnerable smallholders along the value chain development process, as well livelihood enhancement in remote rural areas.
For more information:
Cecilia Ruberto, SUN CSN Learning Route Program Coordinator,
SUN Alliance:;
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