Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Network
Learning Route
Content of the Learning Needs Survey Analysis
​Survey sections:
Strategy: To understand which is the CSA intervention strategy related to the LR main learning areas, currently and on the mid term
Exertise and learning needs: To find out what expertise we have "in-house" and which are the learning needs of our alliance
RankingLearning Needs priorities
Best practices (now uploaded on google map)
Time-$ alloacationTo fin out in the overall how much efforst and resources each Alliance is dedicating to the different macro areas
Knowledge sharingTo find out where the CSAs seek information for their planning and which institutions refer to the CSA to get information.
2015 SUNCSN Annual SurveyAdditional backgound information that will guide the LR and the M&E
Few highlights from the survey (Africa)
Based ion the survey findings (11 CSAs responding)
•Greater effectiveness and efforts are expected in all the 5 areas, interesting to notice is interest in stronger governance, campaign and social mobilization, data collection and sharing. Advocacy, policy tracking and communication are currently and will keep being CORE intervention areas.