Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Network
Learning Route
Eat what you grow
Results: "‘Eat What You Grow’ changes nutrition beliefs and behaviour in Sierra Leone" - Read the article
Justification: Despite the fact that farmers in Koinadugu produce vegetables and livestock, the district still has one of the country’s highest rates of malnutrition rate, especially stunting. The market-oriented agriculture that prevails in the region mean that farmers often prefer selling their products rather than keeping what they produce for household consumption. This innovation plan intends to tackle this problem by raising awareness of the importance of consuming locally-produced food.
Expected result: Targeted vulnerable groups in Koinadugu district will change their dietary habits and increase their consumption of nutritious, locally-produced foods. The changes will result in an improvement in their nutritional status. Targeted beneficiaries: approximately 2,000 people in Koinadugu, Northern District of Sierra Leone.
Innovation and intervention: SUNI-CSP SL will combine behavioural change communication with agriculture and nutrition-focused activities to promote the benefits of eating locally available foods. Through effective multi-stakeholder collaboration among local CSOs, authorities, farmers, religious leaders etc, SUNI CSP-SL will tackle the specific causes of malnutrition in the district, and undertake awareness, social mobilisation and communication activities to promote behavioural change of the population. Training selected “champions” and “master farmers” will also be part of the strategy, in order to ensure sustainability and set the basis for scaling up the activities to other districts.
Follow the CSA:
Nutrition and Value Chain;
Behavioural change communication;
Social Mobilisation
Overall budget: 5,150 USD
(innovation plan 5,000 USD)