Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Network
Learning Route
Justification: Nigeria has a National Policy on Food and Nutrition (NPFN) in place, as well as sectoral policies and plans and a coordinating structure. Nutrition desks and designated nutrition desk officers are available in sectoral ministries. Despite these enabling factors, coordination of food and nutrition activities is still a great challenge. To tackle this problem, the Innovation Plan proposes to develop, through an inclusive process, key nutrition stakeholders with the aim of harmonising all the various sectoral plans.
Expected outcome: all states and their multi-stakeholder platforms are aware and able to implement a costed, multi-sectoral and implementable National Plan of Action for the revised National Policy on Food and Nutrition (NPFN).
Innovation and intervention: with this innovation plan CS-SUNN wants to enhance advocacy, dissemination and multi-stakeholder dialogue and coordination activities to effectively implement the National Plan of action for the NPFN. Some of key interventions are: 1) CS-SUNN will develop and use state-specific scorecards to measure the level of implementation at state and national levels, while also assessing the Knowledge, Attitudes, Behaviour and Practices (KABP) of policy makers in nutrition; . 2) CS-SUNN State Chapters will hold nutrition stakeholder advocacy meetings for the implementation of the plan in the focal states; 3) Policy dialogues will be held to identify potential challenges and obstacles to implementing the plan, and also to show that activities planned are drawn from the state specific plan; 4) Policy briefs and fact sheets will be developed and shared during these policy dialogues.
Improving nutrition through policy implementation at all levels
Overall budget: 44,100 USD
(innovation plan 5,000 USD)
Policy review
Evidence-based advocacy at subnational level
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