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LR as turning point for Gisagara citizen’s brighter future.

Interview collected as part of the Most Significant Change Evaluation Technique applied by the SUN alliance to evaluate changes occurred as a result of the implementation of the LR.

Interviewed: Musabyimana Innocent, Gisagara District Plan to Eliminate Malnutrition (DPEM) coordinator, hosted by district office but contracted by Concern worldwide, leading the SUN CS District committee. In the best practice of Decentralisation and operationalization of nutrition interventions: the case of Gisagara district, Innocent presented on coordination mechanisms: DPEM management and planning, Capacity building, Monitoring and Evaluation, Representation and reporting.

Date: April 25, 2017

Role and involvement in the Learning Route:

  • Connecting the visitors with district authorities from the beginning of Learning Route up to its end.

  • As a DPEM coordinator I was supposed to present all district nutrition activities and the role of our stakeholders in fighting against malnutrition.

Changes that occurred as a result of the LR.

Good changes

  • LR has increased the faith of citizens to government regarding community Based nutrition Programs as important initiative to them.

  • Increased confidence/ assurance to nutrition partners as champions.

  • Parents with malnourished children associated in the intervention groups have decided to work out the malnutrition so that they are no longer visited as case study of malnutrition

  • LR created a sense of responsibility in leaders from different sectors which made them deciding to do whatever they can to eradicate malnutrition and sustain activities implemented by partners.

Bad changes

No bad changes , because preparatory phase has been timely and communicative

MOST significant change

Parents with malnourished children associated in the intervention groups have decided to work out the malnutrition so that they are no longer visited as case study of malnutrition

Why did you choose this particular story? Eg. why was it significant to you?

Because the above has a direct impact on family and country’s economy without depending on donors(sense of sustainability)

What was it like before

Different activities aiming at eradicating malnutrition were there in the village but citizen’s participation was at a low level.

What support did the LR provide that caused the change? (How did LR influence the change?)

The visitors reinforced the fact that they also have those programs and activities at their home places and that they are so impactful, so they don’t have to take them as activities for leaders but everyone citizens thereby resulting into effective implementation of the community based programs.

What it is like now?

Because of those advices, small groups of people that fights against malnutrition in villages increased and all levels of leadership are being involved(Although potential partners have phased out)

What the tangible examples of the change?

FFLS are still there.

Kitchen gardens are there too.

Community kitchen for cooking demonstration are still operational.

Saving and livestock groups have kept the momentum

Statistics shows that some of the children that were malnourished before the LR are now recovered probably due to the abovementioned efforts and commitments of their parents

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