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The togetherness

Interview collected as part of the Most Significant Change Evaluation Technique applied by the SUN alliance to evaluate changes occurred as a result of the implementation of the LR. This story was collected after the preparatory phase, before the arrival of the international guests.

Interviewed: Laurien Kubwimana, SUN Advisor in Education, project coordinator within the Pentecost Church of Rwanda organization.

Interview date: 28 October 2016 - Link to the audio interview

Involvement in the LR and Role:

Laurien is part of the SUN Alliance executive committee, he participated to the all the discussions and decisions taken within the committee in relation to the Learning Route. [1]

Since we heard the news the executive committee gathered very often. We were excited to know that despite we were young as alliance we have been chosen because of the commitment. And we all get even more committed because of this opportunity.

In your opinion, which changes occurred as a result of the Learning Route preparation?

  • We get involved a lot to better prepare what we have to share, for the benefit of the alliance and other countries.

  • Since we started I can say that we are not equally committed, some invested more time than others.

  • On my side I understood better and saw the importance of gathering in the Alliance. We learned more about the member organizations, who does what.

  • We learned much about ourselves. It can be a great resource for me, to work with member organizations and to collaborate more.

  • The Learning Route brought us together in a better way; the togetherness is growing much more.

  • Now we can see the future of our alliance, we are not isolated. I enjoy and feel blessed to feel part of the SUN Movement.

In your opinion, among the changes mentioned, which could be considered the “most significant” and why is so important?

The most important change is the togetherness that will lead to a better coordination. We now enjoy more working together, putting efforts together, because we share.

Getting together we discover the potential there is in each other, building the friendship, increase of commitment, we belong to the same group, we feel more attached to SUN. Now we feel we want to work together, before her were just brought together everyone with different expectations. As we get more understanding of each other we really feel we are 1 team and we have to work together. We are overcoming our background and individual identity/differences and becoming one SUN. The LR contributed to that a lot.

[1] This is not transcript; the info was added as clarification for the reader.

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