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Self- reliance

Interview collected as part of the Most Significant Change Evaluation Technique applied by the SUN alliance to evaluate changes occurred as a result of the implementation of the LR.

Interviewed: ZIRIPA MUKARWEGO, A community champion in milk value chain best practice, who benefited and utilized effectively the programs of improving livelihood through the cow rearing.

Date: April 25, 2017

Role and involvement in the Learning Route: I have been selected to showcase the impact of milk value chain and the role I played as champion then; I was providing information on the best practice.

Changes that occurred as a result of the LR.

Good changes

  • Other fellow farmers are now competing to become role models so that they will also be visited for the future opportunity

  • Farmers have been supported with the improved milk containers used in transportation of milk from home to collection point

  • Lending and saving Cooperatives have been increased in number to increase the likelihood of cow keeping and possibility to get best practices

  • I have started the process of acquiring biogas for waste management and energy procurement.

  • I also have water tank for water harvesting and proper usage

  • Last but not least is the practice of donating cow to neighbors

Bad changes

I didn’t see any bad side

MOST significant change: Donating cow for me is the most important, said Ziripa

Why did you choose this particular story? Eg. why was it significant to you?

“This is the most important because I also started like this, I was donated a cow by the district authorities considering my capacity to keep it and this has amazingly changed my life in proving with me the nourishment and surplus milk sales increasing the financial capacity”, said Zilipa. This has contributed to well being of myself and my children thereby educating them. It has as well contributed to the economic self reliance of my family”, added Zilipa

What was it like before

“I was doing business as usual and could not expect any foreign visitors. I was just supporting fellows with cows expecting the return. I could just train them”.

What support did the LR provide that caused the change? (How did LR influence the change?)

  • The LR has advised me to think about kind support to my fellows and neighbors in terms of training and livestock giving.

  • I also received a price of 40,000 Rwf that I have used to pay my laborers and solve some pending needs.

  • I was also proud of hosting more than 20 international guests, coming to learn from me! This has been a unique and historic moment.

What it is like now?

I have donated one cow to my son and it has given birth one calf , now my son is looking for someone to donate the calf, a second one that I donated to a neighbor is about to reproduce.

What the tangible examples of the change?

  • We got another visit from German organization that urged us to keep momentum of poverty alleviation through the modern farming

  • As per feedback from LR visitors, I am now mobilizing my fellow women in livestock and assist them with technical expertise.

  • After the LR I have joined more saving groups (12) where we receive messages from government officials around selected topics including fighting malnutrition in our families.

  • Because of all those inputs and motivations, I have even gained my weight!

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