Learning Route in Rwanda 2016 opens with an Experience Fair
Sunday 30th November Umubano Hotel, Kigali The first day of the Learning Route in Rwanda for civil society alliances kicked off with an...

The Learning Route Rwanda 2016: Learning across borders for better nutrition outcomes
Author: Ramatu Jalloh, Scaling Up Nutrition and Immunization Civil Society Platform Sierra Leone (SUNI CSP SL) The Learning Route in...

Insights from Sierra Leone SUNI CSP (SUN Civil Society Alliance): key intervention areas and achieve
Highlights from the Learning Route preparatory interview with Victor Lansana KoromaExecutive Director-Health Alert (SUNI CSP National...

Civil Society Organisation Nutrition Alliance-CSONA -Malawi: an interview with Bessie Ndovi
Transcripts of the Interview Conducted 11th October 2016 By Ramatu Jalloh Interviewee: Bessi Ndovi, CSA Nutrition Alliance, Nutrition...

Meet Okonkwo Sunday- CS SUN Nigeria
Conducted: 30th September 2016 Interviewee: Okonkwo Sunday- CS SUN Secretariat Nigeria. Project Manager Section1: Identifying examples...

The latest from the Ethiopia CSA: listen to Kenaw Gabreselassie's updates
Highlights from the interview Kenaw Gabreselassie - Save the Children Coordinator for SUN CSA Ethiopia. Conducted on the 29th September...

A chat with Nicholas Shiateya and George Odhiambo Ogolla - Kenya CSA
Highlights from the interview Conducted 28th September 2016 Interviewees: Nicholas Shiateya- Manager- Programs and Projects-DSW George...

Getting closer to the SUN Civil Society Alliances.. inspiring interviews with their representatives
Dear all, Everything (the Learning Route) started because of a feeling and a need of the Civil Society to become closer and to learn from...