Nutrition Stakeholders Action Mapping in Rwanda best practices - UN Reach, Rwanda GoV and SUN Allian
The experience in our country shows that Stakeholder & Action mapping is key to address malnutrition; because once you know partners...

Hand in hand with the audience you can change much
Sylvia Muteteli Learning Route Champion Expertise: Radio Soap opera programmes development, communication, BCC communication and social...

Nutrition Learning Adventure – 2016 Legacy
Author: Kenaw Gebreselassie, Communication and Research Uptake Manager (Transform Nutrition) and Coordinator (ECSC-SUN) at Save the...

Author: Venuste Muhamyankaka, SUN Alliance General Secretary SUN Civil Society Learning Route in Rwanda: Stories from local Champions...

Fostering Learning and Innovation in Nutrition WEBINAR
We are pleased to invite you join the post-Learning Route Webinar “Fostering Learning and Enabling Innovation in Nutrition” 31st January...

Learning Route in Rwanda the photos!
Find here the albums: Day 1 Opening and Mapping: https://www.flickr.com/photos/igihepictures/albums/72157675293549562 Day 2 Pro poor PPP:...

Learning in Action: INNOVATION PLANS
Author: Cecilia Ruberto, SUN CSN Learning Route Programme coordinator Draft innovation plans The design of the Innovation Plan intends to...

Learning Route meets CSA expectations
Author: Ramatu Jalloh, Scaling Up Nutrition and Immunization Civil Society Platform Sierra Leone (SUNI CSP SL) As the curtain came down...

SUN Civil Societies Call to Action
Author: Cecilia Ruberto, SUN Civil Society Network Learning Route Programme coordinator On November the 1st 2016, during the SUN Civil...

Learning Route Rwanda 2016 is launched in Kigali
Monday 1st November 2016, Serena Hotel- The first Learning Route for Scaling Up Nutrition civil society alliances in Africa was launched...